Mycelial Space – Research Project and Online Platform

Sharing Knowledge with/through Fungi

Mycelial Space is a transdisciplinary networking platform for research and practice dedicated to the aesthetic, ecological, and theoretical potentials of fungi. We invite actors from fields such as art, film, ecology, citizen science, psychology, architecture, design and many more to present their activities on our blog and to think about possible shared knowledge production and methodologies. Our aim is to bring the currently very widespread but often disconnected initiatives into a productive exchange.

The three initiators of the project – Ilka Becker, Sarah Kolb, and Jutta Strohmaier – share interests in agential and relational conceptions of space and time, in the theory and practice of photography, film and video, in alternative concepts of learning and teaching, and in the theory and practice of transdisciplinary and artistic forms of knowledge production. The project Mycelial Space is conceived as a collaborative and transdisciplinary experiment in which the initiators, seek a playful exchange with invited experts in order to cultivate a practice of conscious indiscipline and openness to the unexpected.

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Mycelial Space Workshop within the SARN confernce Traversing Topologies. Imagining Worlds and Knowledge through/with Artistic Research, Entlebuch Biosphere, Switzerland, 09/2021
© Jutta Strohmaier